Details: Preventive Maintenance
The Preventive Maintenance Details page is split into several panes:
Preventive Maintenance Info
The Preventive Maintenance Info pane displays identifying information about the PM schedule.
PM ID: Indicates the unique ID for the PM schedule. A naming convention can be used that combines the asset classification and scheduled interval. For example, AUTO-M-Q could identify a schedule defined to run monthly and quarterly for the Auto asset classification.
Name: Indicates the name of the PM schedule. This value does not need to be unique.
Category: Indicates the category for the schedule, which can help when in locating a schedule in the Preventive Maintenance lookup.
The Details pane displays information associated with the work orders generated for the PM schedule.
Type: Indicates the type of work orders generated by the PM schedule. The default value is PM, indicating that it is a preventive work order.
Priority: Indicates the priority of work orders generated by the PM schedule, for example, High, Urgent, Low.
Values entered in the Type and Priority fields take precedence over any values from the procedure associated with the PM schedule. If no values are listed, the value in the procedure is used to populate the work order.
Work Order priority can be set by default through a preference, procedure, asset, or defined preventive maintenance schedule. If a work order has associations to multiple priority values (for example, if a procedure and an asset with differing priority values were both associated with a work order), preference is given in the following order: (1) asset (2) PM (3) procedure (4) manual entry or preference default.
Shift: Indicates the shift assigned to the work orders generated for the PM schedule. If an asset on the PM schedule should be handled on a different shift, this can be specified for the asset on the PM Assets page.
Project: Indicates the project with which work orders generated for the PM schedule are associated. You can use this field to track groups of work orders.
Managed By
The Managed By pane displays the shop and/or supervisor that manages the PM schedule.
Shop: Indicates the shop assigned to manage the PM schedule and/or assigned to work orders generated for the PM schedule.
Supervisor: Indicates the shop assigned to manage the PM schedule and/or assigned to work orders generated for the PM schedule.
Library Info
The Library Info pane defines library information for the procedure.
Library: Indicates the repair center with which the schedule is associated. Selecting a library ensures that the schedule only appears on the Home page for the selected repair center. If the field is left blank, the schedule will appear on the Home page for all repair centers.
The Status pane identifies the schedule's current status.
Active: Indicates that the schedule is currently active.
Inactive: Indicates that the schedule is currently inactive.
Work Order Status
The Work Order Status identifies the default status for work orders generated for the PM schedule.
Requested: Indicates that the default status for the generated work orders will be Requested.
Issued: Indicates that the default status for the generated work orders will be Issued.
On Hold: Indicates that the default status for the generated work orders will be On Hold.